When was the last time you did something for yourself?

Is your creativity struggling from procrastination, focus, time, skills?  
then the creative barn could be just for you so make sure to join the waitlist below.

Be part of a growing community of like-minded artists

and receive a FREE tutorial while you wait!

What members are saying...

 "I love the way you teach, it's clear and easy to follow.  I particularly like the variety of platforms
 ie. The 'Live tutorials that we can look back over because you record them, the Drink and Draw sessions, Facebook Q & A's and The Barn'

 "The membership is a group of like minded people who love art and nature and who are supportive.   I have already gained confidence and there are so many ways to learn in the membership" 

 "The membership helps with confidence, great group of people with encouragement and ideas.  Kerri is a great teacher, the tasks help practicing different techniques" 

 "I absolutely recommend The Creative Barn Membership and plan to spread the news far and wide" 

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